Newest Release
This book is written for educators and others who want to find out the truth in any situation. The authors focus on searching for truth, the foundation for truth - moral law, the law of the conscience, and the law of the spirit. Attention is given to investigating the truth - evidence, witnesses, interviewing, and interrogating techniques. Readers learn how to uncover the truth by spotting liars through observing verbal and nonverbal clues. Acknowledging precautions for truth deals with He Said-She Said situations, incomplete information, misperception, filtering information, due process, cyberbullying, and sexual misconduct. The book concludes by discussing ministering consequences, making judgment calls, and establishing reconciliation and restoration programs. A final section addresses how to deal with threats of a lawsuit. This book is a must for all teachers and administrators facing "Who Done It" situations.
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This new resource is available on Amazon.com as a paperback book.
The intent of this work is to present a new approach to education that goes beyond educating the mind and body and focuses on the heart or spirit. The book looks at the role of the human conscience, the recreated spirit, the human will, and the Holy Spirit, and how these interrelate in Spirit-directed education.
One of the most talked about topics in Christian education is Spirit-Directed education.
Learn how behavior change requires a willing mind, follows the perception of the recreated spirit, requires the submission of the will, new ways of thinking, and being able to deal with a rebellious body.
Know what it takes to establish and maintain a Spirited-directed classroom—going beyond the expected, establishing a climate of change, creating awareness of God, setting up an orderly environment, teaming up with the Holy Spirit, releasing the anointing, speaking words that bring success, exercising authority, to name a few. Improve staff management, evaluation, and supervision
Learn the nine ingredients that produce a Spirit-directed teacher, as well as thirteen expectations of a Spirit-directed teacher. Establish a consistent system for administering student discipline.
Learn five strategies for encouraging right speaking, how to foster a "can-do" attitude, and how to build a positive self-image and spirit-image.
Train students to live above the influences of this present world and to become mighty in spirit.
If out of stock on Amazon, contact delpublications@gmail.com

Be inspirited by what others have overcome as Christian educators
View over 112 topics that affect Christian schools and how to avoid similar situations
Use as a weekly staff devotional with 18-20 topics in each of the five chapters, enough for two per month during the school year
Use the comprehensive index to locate specific topics of interest
Be inspirited by how one school dealt with various cause and effect situations and learn from their experiences
Learn how to improve customer service, the power of your words, evidence of a quality school, developing God awareness in the classroom, hearing and obeying the Spirit of God, how to keep your spiritual tank full, how to make a difference in the lives of students, renewing of the mind, walking in the Fruit of the Spirit, have your steps directed by the Lord, how to cultivate the flow of the Spirit, how to increase the anointing and how to remove hindrances to the anointing, and many more
Learn what staff can do to foster enrollment
Identify the power of teachable moments
If out of stock on Amazon, contact delpublications@gmail.com
This new resource is available on Amazon.com as a paperback book.

Updated Resource Kit, 5th Edition
This resource kit is designed to present information to Christian educators and church leaders to help in establishing a Christian school ministry and in strengthening those that already exist. The materials selected coincide with each of the chapters in Christian Schools: How to Get a School Going and Keep it Growing.
Expanded from 700 Megabytes to 8 Gigabytes of resource materials - now offered on a Thumb Drive. NOTE: Since the one on Amazon is the 4th edition, you will need to request this new item by using the CONTACT message box on this website.
School Improvement
School improvement is more than just focusing on increasing test scores; it involves bringing the entire school together to solve problems. If schools want to see improvement, they must develop strategies for enhancing the overall school climate; good intentions are not enough, it takes a constant day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year effort, not just by the principal, but by every member of the staff.
Professional Development
Most education leaders will agree that professional development is an important aspect in the life of an educator. Professional development helps educators improve classroom instruction and student learning. When these happen, teacher retention improves and the school’s testimony in the community is strengthened.
If out of stock on Amazon, contact delpublications@gmail.com

This work contains over 360 pages of critical information designed to help Christian school administrators and church leaders establish a quality Christian school.
Helping answer hundreds of questions about establishing a Christian school and strengthening those already in existence.
This book is a must for every Christian school ministry.
Used by several colleges/universities as a textbook in Christian school administration and Christian school finance courses.
Each chapter contains a list of PITFALLS to AVOID. These lists are valuable tools for Christian schools regardless of how long they have been established.
Ten easy steps to follow in getting a school started.