When you read this title, you might think of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Three in One. However, in this post I want you to think of "three in one" as it relates to the school year.
Most people, when they think of the new calendar year, think of New Year's resolutions. Some time ago I saw a cartoon where the question was asked, “What exactly is a New Year resolution?” The response was, “It's a 'To Do' list for the first week in January!”
The intent of a New Year's resolution should go beyond just one month, although one month is better than one week, or no resolutions at all. It is not a matter of how many resolutions you can make, but which ones are you really committed to carrying out the entire year.
Three Starts
Educators are blessed to have three new starts each school year to plan fresh and exciting things—a new quarter, a new semester, and a new calendar year. You have already experienced the start of a new quarter. For many, the new calendar year also begins a new semester.
Teachers, parents, and students need to take advantage of these new starts. Do this by selecting three or four out of these top resolutions teachers have posted on the Internet or come up with your own. Following these resolutions will really change your classroom and the lives of your students. Check the ones that you might consider this new calendar year.
I resolve to:
Become organized enough to be able to find whatever I need whenever I need it.
Get all papers graded within two days of when the assignment is turned in.
See each student not as they are, but as they can be.
Remember that it is not personal. It is a job.
Gain wisdom with Christ on how to juggle responsibilities. Stay positive.
Never hold a grudge against a student. Each day is a new beginning.
Spice up the classroom routine.
Give individual time and attention to each student.
Set goals and avoid the autopilot mode.
Student Resolutions
We asked juniors and seniors to write down their top resolutions for this New Year. We were surprised by what they wrote. Here are a few top ones; I resolve to:
Eat healthier (also the top resolution for parents).
Get closer to God, to know my purpose before I graduate from high school.
Be more serious about grades, improve studying, get better grades so I can do better on college tests and get better scholarships.
Spend more time reading the Word of God.
Learn how to manage my money better, get a better job, and learn how to save.
Stop procrastinating; be more motived to do my best.
Be more polite, courteous and less self-centered.
Your Resolutions
What new resolutions have you made for this new start - new calendar year? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you at least three. Next, take time to write them down; work at developing one of two specific actions you can take that would result in these resolutions being carried out.
Have a great new year!
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